Giancarlo Flati, poet of the cosmos, seems to mask a melancholy longing for the infinite in lighter and darker accents.
Flati transposes the invisible world into a dimension constructed through the combination of material, sign and colour with moving images steeped in mystery that make beauty an important guide to truth, as in mathematics, where discovery also depends on the sense of beauty translated into the elegance of formulae expressed in Celestial Algebra.
The question arises of whether his intuitive figuration in Primavera quantica and Mistero quantico might herald the discovery of new phases of matter. His is a non-virtual machine, one no longer obeying classical physics but rather the quantum world and its transformation of atoms into waves.
The flow of motion in the works cited above is a figural metaphor drawn from an essay on quantum mechanics by David Bohm, a writer Flati cherishes for the "metaphysical tang of his ideas, which make him a figure with such an extraordinarily creative mind as to become a point of reference also for those wishing to develop their lives artistically."
Luzi's verses "between those silent walls / blue wedges of shadow / gash of diamantine light" are thus rendered in form and substance in Memorie senza tempo. Flati is not interested in illustrating the poem. Even when the sense of the poetry and the value of myth correspond, what attracts him is the deep sense of the person springing from this.
Deeply versed in traditional techniques and constantly in search of new ones, Flati makes use of geometric representations to investigate space while apparently thinking of algorithmic procedures for time. Descriptions of places and information about eras dissolve in form and colour in Voragini del tempo and Out of Body. With wave-like memories and residual mines of time and mind, Bergson's exposition of mankind's relationship with reality and its possible interpretations is experienced by Flati as based acutely on consciousness of the working of his body and his brain.
The power of evocation emanating from Flati's language is quite extraordinary. The artist creates metaphors containing a dynamic element and sets them in motion in the mind. The no longer empty space is populated by lines of force and forms that recede and yet linger, marked by shifts of colour and the effect of transparency. His aim in using transparency is to trigger perceptions of luminosity, lightness, buoyancy, fragility and depth capable of prompting further cognitive processing and pointing to the meaning of the work he places in front of us.
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Luigina Bortolatto / 2008
From "Giancarlo Flati, Cosmic Poet" - Intersections of Time - Matteo Editore, 2008