The theme of “Edges” or “Margins” has always been a profound underlying influence for Giancarlo Flati, who has worked diligently in the marginal area between Art and Science - artistic creativity and fascination for the extreme domains of scientific and biomedical discovery.
Flati has exhibited at several major events, and in 2008 I had the pleasure of inviting him to exhibit at the National Museum in the Palazzo di Venezia (Rome). His solo exhibition “Intersezioni del Tempo” (Intersections of Time) was a resounding success.
I was already aware of his integrity as an artist, but this exhibition provided an opportunity for me to acquire a better appreciation of his visionary conception, which literally sweeps across different worlds in search of a common root to all things and can be traced back to the microcosm and the macrocosm alike; two different sides of the same coin.
For Flati, “sequences of the invisible" (sequenze dell'invisibile – the title of another successful major exhibition) figure prominently in the artist’s consciousness, which rationalises in “series” through comparisons and conflicts between his own images, in a domain that represents the true meaning of art itself, constantly challenged and pushed towards constantly changing horizons.
Flati searches for harmonious resonance in the Universe around us and within us; in this context the various themes are even more closely interconnected, and the image of going beyond what Gibran so admirably expresses in his poetry, which the author himself wished to establish almost as a foundation and rationale for his own aesthetic experience, is intensified. The various subjects that Flati now produces in his exhibition are linked to the origin of life and the metaphysical and physical existences that intersect with our own existence. Even the mythical figure of Swedenborg - one of the great visionaries in the history of mankind - is evoked, to position us where we can share an aesthetic experience that is more unique than it is rare.